12 april 2013

Sundhedstjeneste en teamsport - for alle involverede

Nogle pointer fra Eric's fortælling:
... but they're working in a flawed, expensive system that's set up the wrong way.

Care anywhere

Humans invented the idea of hospitals and clinicsin the 1780s. It is time to update our thinking.
... because these places are often the wrong tool, and the most expensive tool, for the job.

Care Networking

 And this is a picture of my graduation team from Legacy. Professionals, The other people in this picture are me and my wife, Ashley.
 Legacy trained us on how to do care for me at home so that they could offload the hospitals and clinics.

Care customization

is treating us as averages, not unique individuals, And the magic here is, experiment on my avatar in software, not my body in suffering.

 I hope you will go out and make personal health happen

Eric Dishman: Health care should be a team sport | Video on TED.com »
When Eric Dishman was in college, doctors told him he had 2 to 3 years to live. That was a long time ago. One rectified diagnosis and a transplant later, Dishman puts his personal experience and his e...

Ultralydskanner systemet kommer fra MobiSante

1 kommentar:

Martin sagde ...

OK - så er vi enige:
Individualisering - hvad blev der af standardisering ?